Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Ugandan Double Double

As we said in an earlier blog, we need to start to notice more things around us again. It really is fun to do that again. Two days ago we saw what we have termed a “Ugandan Double Double”. No this is not the same kind that Greg used to pick up every morning at the Robin’s drive thru. Remember when we were kids and we used to “double” someone on our bikes. Well, in Uganda doubling someone on your bike is actually a business- they are called bicycle taxis or bicycle bodas. A large cushion is firmly (usually firmly) attached over the back fender of the bike. The passenger rides there- either sidesaddle or straddle, it’s up to you.
Now for the explanation of the Ugandan Double Double. There was a bicycle cab who had a passenger on the back. The passenger happened to be another bicycle cab operator whose bike must have broken down. So what we saw was a bicycle cab with a passenger on the back who had a bicycle over his shoulder/back. OK so the description doesn’t really make it sound that funny, but it looked hilarious! We keep saying that we need to start carrying our camera so that we can show you things instead of just describing them. Problem is that we always see all the best things on the way to and from work and we don’t want to be hauling our camera around at work.
Last night we had a friend over to introduce him to the CFL. We replayed the first half of the most recent Rider game and taught him about football. He caught onto it very quickly and was understanding the basics of the game before very long. He is familiar with rugby so that helped except that the players don’t need to touch the ball to the ground in the end zone in football. We had a great supper together and a nice evening. He then told us that he wants to see hockey. Too bad he didn’t mention that a month ago- Greg would have loved to watch some of the playoffs. Oh well- we told him he has to wait for a few months now!
Happy Anniversary to Cam and Court. Hard to believe it has been nine years already. Love you guys!


  1. Maybe I'm still in Uganda mode- but I can totally picture this Ugandan double double in my mind's eye! I thought you were going to say that his bike had broken down, so he was on a bike taxi himself, but then was holding onto his bike and hauling people on his own bike! That wouldn't have surprised me either... : )

  2. Only those who have been to Uganda (or a similar country) can really envision this and think "Yep- I have no trouble seeing that!"
