Monday, 15 July 2013

Picture Day!

It has been a long time since we last posted any pictures. We know that and we are sorry so today will be picture day. We will post a few pictures that should have been posted earlier and we will try to post pictures with every (or at least most) posts in the future.

Have we mentioned a time or two that we love mangoes? There is a beautiful mango tree in the compound of the guesthouse at Gulu and it was loaded with mangoes. Isaac is one of the guesthouse employees. He climbs up the tree then he uses a large stick to knock the mangoes out of the tree. Oh- they are the best mangoes on the planet- so sweet and juicy!

While our children were here we tried to show them as much as we could. One day we went out to Suubi village and introduced our kids to Jovulyn, the Watoto mom that we sponsor. She wanted us to take a photo of "just the girls" so here we are

We also went with our kids to the Rhino Sanctuary. Rhinos were hunted to extinction in Uganda so they are now attempting to reintroduce the species here. When they reach a certain number (I forget what that number is) in the sanctuary, they will reintroduce them into the national parks (protected game reserves) We have never been there before, but we had read about it online so we did know what to expect. We knew that we would drive in our vehicle to a certain point and then we would get out and walk, yes walk up to see the rhinos. Our guide told us that we needed to listen to him closely and if he told us to climb a tree that's what we needed to do. Even though rhinos are huge, they can definitely outrun a human and since I was the slowest human in the bunch, I made sure to scope out a tree as soon as we got to where the rhinos were. It was a little unnerving standing about 25 feet from these three ton beasts, but when this one decided to stand up and take a few steps, I was ready to head for my tree! This rhino is named Obama- they named him that because his father is Kenyan and his mother is American!

Tomorrow I will take you on a tour of our neighbourhood so you can see what we see everyday!

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