Thursday, 15 September 2016

Canada is HOW BIG?

Today officially begins our second week in Uganda and I think we are finally over the jet lag. We are so thankful for that! And we got to start our second week off with one of our favourite Ugandan foods- Rolex. No we did not go to chipatti alley to get them, they served them at our hotel this morning.
I suppose another Ugandan lesson may be in order here to explain what a Rolex is- no it is not an expensive watch! Ugandans make a very yummy flat bread type food that is called chipatti. To make a Rolex, one fries an egg (often with peppers, onion, etc cut up in it) and put it on top of a chipatti. You then roll it up and enjoy the Ugandan yumminess!
The days just fly by here. We are up by shortly after 6 AM so we can get ready, have breakfast and be on the road before the jam happens. Last night we had computer work to be done for today so it was after 11 PM when we fell into bed. But when you are doing what you love, it just doesn’t matter! There is a worn out kind of tired and a “wow, we had a very busy, but amazing day and we are falling into bed” kind of tired. Ours is the latter. We go to bed feeling so very blessed to be here. There really are no words.
Today was another great day for the team. More hands on experience that taught them so much. Each one had the opportunity to use the power tools- some of them for the first time. There are so many things we take for granted everyday in Canada. Please take time today to be thankful for all that you have. Most of the world does not have things that we take for granted everyday.
During every trip here, we have worked hard to learn more about the country, more about the culture and more about individual people. So rather than health teaching today I decided to teach them a little about Canada and Saskatchewan. My reason for doing this was to try to have them understand why the jam makes us so crazy. For them it is normal to have people everywhere and a perpetual traffic jam. Once I showed them a map of the world to show them the size of Canada vs the size of Uganda (you can fit about 2 ½ to 3 Ugandas into the area of the province of Saskatchewan), they started to understand. Then when I told them the population of Uganda is greater than the population of all of Canada, they were in disbelief. I went even further and explained that the population of all of Saskatchewan (land mass nearly 3X the size of Uganda) is just over a million (less population than the city of Kampala). It completely blew their minds, but it helped them to understand a little more about us. The more we understand about each other, the closer we can grow as people.
Is there someone in your life God is calling you to get to know a little better? I challenge you to do that today- don’t put it off!

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