Monday, 11 November 2013

Saturdays are Great!

On Saturday we were back over to see Joanna and the kids. Greg has some work that he wants to get done there and our time is quickly running out!
One of the requirements for running an organization with this many children is that the boys and girls have to be separated. There is a separate building in the compound that will house the boys so some work was needing to be done there. Joanna had carpenters and painters in to do some of the work and Greg hung lights on Saturday. It was a job that should have taken about an hour, but with so many helpers (and a very sore back), it took a little extra time!
The children were so very excited because their beds were being delivered the next day. They are “triple decker” bunk beds! I have not seen such a thing in North America, but they are pretty common here. The excitement level was very high because none of these children has ever had a bed before. Things that we just take for granted, but they could not even dream about until God sent Joanna and some sponsors their way. Next time we are there, I will take pictures of them and their new beds- you will be blessed.
Here are a few pictures that we have of the children.
Check out Joanna's blog
She has many pictures of the kids- you'll love it!

Some of the children needed new shoes so off we went to the local shop.

This young man thinks the world of Greg. His face just lights up as soon as he sees Greg and is willing to do anything to help. That tool bag weighs nearly as much as he does! Also this boy is an incredible dancer.

When you have a big family, you need a big pot to cook meals. Here is Cyrus stirring the posho.

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