Tuesday, 11 June 2013


Thanks everyone for your prayers for our children as they traveled. They arrived on time, tired, but with all their luggage accompanying them. Those last few hours seemed like days awaiting their arrival.
In Uganda it is not unusual to see two men or two women walking down the street holding hands. It does not mean they are in a relationship- it is just part of the culture. We have grown used to this and are no longer surprised when someone walks up to us and takes our hand as we are walking. For those who know my son though- we knew he would not be OK with this. We warned him about it ahead of time and told him not to freak out when it happens. So, as we were leaving the airport, a young Ugandan man walks up to Carlen, says hello and takes his hand. Carlen, knowing his parents, looked at the guy and said, “You must know my parents.” That was quickly followed by Carlen calling his mother a name (a term of endearment in our family) and then some patented Carlen hand flapping. We all laughed and that was our kids’ introduction to our driver Joe.
Now that they are here, we plan to thoroughly enjoy every minute we have together. Yesterday Carlen opted to catch up on some sleep and spent most of the day doing just that. The girls didn’t want to waste any potential “cuddling time” so after staff devotions at Watoto Central, a trip to babies’ home was in order. Charissa has already picked out the babies she would like to take home with her. It’s simple really- she wants them all!
Last night we had the first supper together that we have had in a long time. It was amazing to pray together as a family and of course, cry together as well. We are looking forward to what today will bring. Carlen will be going to Central with Greg so he will be getting all the hugs the girls got yesterday- wish I could be a fly on the wall to watch that!

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