Sunday, 14 April 2013

Why are we here?

Sometimes when God sends you to another country, you think you know the reason you are going there. We came to Uganda so that Greg could mentor the maintenance team at Watoto Church and help them to get some projects done. Lorenda’s purpose wasn’t as definite, but she has found a place at the babies’ home. So that is why we are in Uganda- that is our purpose for being here. Or is it?
From the beginning (months before we actually arrived in Uganda), we have prayed that God would show us what we are to be doing here. Frequently since we have been here, we have prayed that God would reveal to us what He would have us to do each day. We know that our “main purpose” for being here is to serve the Lord at Watoto, but we also know that God always has a lot of little “surprises” if you are looking for them and are willing to be obedient when He calls you.
Like the other day when we went for a walk and had the opportunity to interact with all the children along the way. I don’t think we mentioned in the blog that the children asked us to teach them a song as we were walking down the street. So there we were, walking down the street singing “Jesus Loves Me” with our whole group of kids. Not part of our plan or purpose for coming to Uganda, but it was part of God’s plan!
Last week at our cell meeting, a young couple approached Greg and asked if we would be willing to mentor them. They are going to be married in December and when they found out that we had been married for nearly 30 years, they wanted to spend some time with us. We spent about 2 ½ hours telling them about our lives, our marriage and our kids. We shared the good and the bad. They were so very thankful that we would take the time to do that with them. Unfortunately, pre-marital classes/counseling is not something that is done in Uganda. It was such a privilege to sit and share honestly with this young couple and they assured us that the time was very helpful for them as well.
So once again, we ask why are we here? Please pray that we will continue to be open to the Lord’s leading and be willing to step out in obedience when He calls us to do something “out of the ordinary”.
What is the Lord asking you to do today in your corner of the world?  You don’t have to be in Africa to be used by God- He has a job for every one of us every single day, if we are willing to listen for His voice and be obedient. Tune in to God and find out what He is calling you to do today. Then send us an e-mail and tell us about it- we would love to hear what God is doing in your life.

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