Friday, 29 March 2013

This is Africa

We’ve had a very busy week- working long hours and lots of activities in the evenings.
Lorenda continues to be at the babies’ home five days per week loving all the beautiful babies. The nannies often ask which is her favourite baby. They are all so gorgeous, how could anyone ever choose a favourite? Every single one has something unique about their looks or their personality- they are all beautiful!
Greg has spent a lot of time out at the various Watoto celebration sites. They are all doing expansions to accommodate the growth that every church site is seeing. Greg has been part of the team that is discussing the expansions with the contractors and he has had some input into the way things will be done. Unfortunately, he didn’t use his sunscreen while touring the sites so his face, forehead and head are glowing red with a white strip across his eyes where his sunglasses were. He has been feeling the effects of all that sun so spent most of yesterday resting.
Greg also spent some time teaching this week. He has introduced a new paperwork plan to the team so he needed to spend some time teaching the method and the expectations of this new plan. He also had the opportunity to do some mentoring as he worked alongside some of the team doing a few small jobs.
We went out for a short walk yesterday morning and had an experience that we knew would happen to us sometime while we were here. Really, we are surprised that it took this long for it to happen. As we were walking along the road, someone tried to sell us a live chicken! This is not an uncommon thing in Uganda and you would know that the meat is fresh, if you bought it that way. We politely said “No thank you” and carried on our way. We want to be part of the culture here, but there are some things that just are not going to happen!
We are doing very well here and are very thankful to all of you for joining us on this journey by reading this blog, e-mailing us and praying for us. Thanks so much for being part of our journey.
Happy Easter everyone
Jesus is risen!


  1. I just want you to know that I fully expect us to get a live chicken, butcher and eat it.... that is what my expectations are....

  2. Replies
    1. There is nothing at all appealing about that! I will leave that as a father-daughter bonding time that you and your dad can share while you are here!

  3. I think I feel fine with not being a part of that. That can be a dad/Charissa bonding time...
